
Y acepta casarte conmigo

¿Te sientes como la sucursal de una cadena?Prácticamente derribadoUn cero más del montónAndas por ahí aburridoTus oídos están llenos pero tú estas vacíoOfreciendo tu corazónA gente a la que nunca realmenteLe interesa como estas =mas= Una gran cancion de Blur y en me gusta mucho la musica la letra definitivamente una de mis favoritas. video  <object width="425" height="355"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/kWUil383us4&rel=1"></param><param name="wmode" value="transparent"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/kWUil383us4&rel=1" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="355"></embed></object> letra  Do you feel like a chain store?Practically flooredOne of many zerosKicked around boredYour ears are full but your emptyHolding out your heartTo people who never reallyCare how you are(Chorus)So give me coffee and TVHistoryI’ve seen so muchI’m going blindAnd I’m brain dead virtuallySociabilityIt’s hard enough for meTake me away form this big bad worldAnd agree to marry meSo we can start all over againDo you go to the country?It isn’t very farThere’s people there who will hurt youCause of who you areYour ears are full of the languageThere’s wisdom there you’re sureTil the words start slurringAnd you cant find the door(Chorus)We can start all over againWe can start all over againWe can start all over againI’ve seen so muchI’m going blindAnd I’m brain dead virtuallySociabilityIt’s hard enough for meTake me away form this big bad worldAnd agree to marry meSo we can start all over againSo give me coffee and TVHistoryI’ve seen so muchI’m going blindAnd I’m brain dead virtuallySociabilityIt’s hard enough for meTake me away form this big bad worldAnd agree to marry meSo we can start all over againooooooh We can start

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